Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Malaysian Morning Wet Market

Last Saturday morning, I have been to the wet market near my place to shop. It's a newly opened market, so I followed my parents, to get ingredients for my own cooking. Then suddenly I got in charge of cooking dinner..... Well.... Lets just say it did not go so well... hehe.

My mum on the phone, noisy environment.
It's still new, floor quite clean, and hardly got any strong rotten odor.
Veggie, veggie veggie..... planing to cook sambal belacan veggie.... thats y. :P

My grandma is going great. Able to walk much better now. I can now stop worrying and continue on my studies..... But its getting bored..... Lemme play some games first. Currently playing C&C3 Kane's Wraith

Cant wait for the end of my exams. Metal Gear Solid 4 and Devil May Cay 4 is coming out soon too. Might be getting a PS3 then too...

Just cant wait to finish my exams

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sandisk Cruzer Titanium 2gb Review

Last Monday, after my Mircoprocessor test 2, I fled to KL to do some shopping. Firstly I went to Low Yat with my friend Ben, who is also another tech enthusiasts (mobile phones division).

Last week, our old friend Masaru came to IntiUC for a visit. I forgot to snap his photo, due to much stress preparing to finish my semester. Assignments, test, lab reports, exams really took lots of my time and my mood.

He brought out his 4gb Sandisk Cruzer Titanium. I seen it and I am impressed, its design, cause its hardly that you see a metal cased usb flash drive these days (save cost). The metal case is made out of an alloy (a mixed metal substance) named 'liquid metal'. The material itself its chemically designed to be amorphous. Liquidmetal alloys combine a number of desirable material features, including high tensile strength, excellent corrosion resistance, very high coefficient of restitution and excellent anti-wearing characteristics, while also being able to be heat-formed in processes similar to thermoplastics. It is said to be three times stronger than titanium itself.
Fascinated by the design, I cant stop myself from buying one. Although its only 2gb, but with the U3 smart capability, its one heck of a usb flash drive.

The Cruzer Titanium is tough, able to stand 2,000lbs of crush force, which is almost a weight a tonne!

The price is around rm20 more expensive than the normal Cruzer, which has a black plastic casing, and has lower read write speeds.

Overall, after using it for one day, I am very impressed. U3 smart capability is awesome, with interface so simple, and so usefull, so solid you will think, "heck, I just cant bear using this as a readyboost hardware for my laptop"

So in the end, I decided to give it to my father as his birthday present. His birthday is in May, so there will be plenty of time to install all the U3 softwares for him before packing it nicely and hand it over to him.

My father works usually at construction sites, building all kinds of training equipment for firemen, national service rookies and even climbing walls. He wears all rugged equipments, so I think the Cruzer Titanium will mix well.

He also draws building plans, presenting them to clients and such. The U3 smart has a password encryption. Without the proper password, the data stored inside cant be accessed by unauthorized parties. It also has an antivirus installed, for the pesky viruses that linger around the clients computer.

There is more than that. But its best that you discover it yourself. Its amazing features are a bang on your buck.

After buying, we went in to sungei wang for a walk, while Ben was shopping for earrings.
The time was seven something, we head back to IntiUC. We somehow got stuck in the train station for almost one hour, due to some reasons, the usual.

Unbelievably, we got in the third train. The first two trains that finally came after such a long wait was fully crowded.
Ben, tired, cant wait to try his new earrings. Got sick the next two days. hehe.

As for me, I had a well rest and studied tor my Communication Test 2 the next day.

Friday, March 21, 2008

It's never too late to care for the ones you love

Yesterday, I watched Rambo IV, an action triller that was set in Burma, a place which is still in war till now, that have raged for more than 60 years.

Imagine a world, not like ours. A world where death is so common, its an everyday thing. There are mine fields everywhere, in the tropical jungle, where one false move will cause your life.

The army who are suppose to protect the people, go from village to village, burning them to the ground, killing aged men, raping women, and kidnapping children to be trained as soldiers. Mercyless, killing people as their second nature.

The people there were living in constant fear. Everyday, they will be praying, that they can live for one more day. Saying goodbyes everyday to their family, who is going out for hunting, that maybe its the last time they will meet.

It makes me feel,that we are so lucky. We are so lucky living in a peace loving country, where every life is valuable.

However, we sometimes lost our path. Busy chasing our dreams, that we forgot, did you see your parents lately?

Sometimes we forget how fragile life is.

Start caring for them, you will never know when is your last. No matter its your friends or family, it's never too late to start caring for the ones you love.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

How to do crunches

I have visited a lot of websites, stumble on books related on 'the right way to do crunches', seen on TV's and such. In my opinion, there is no 'perfect' or 'right' way to do so, because it is not what humans are made to do. I mean, did u see a gorilla do crunches before? Well, they don't need to. Why? Cause they don't eat as much as we do.

In lots of ways that I came across, promising to get results instantly, well, it does. But, is it fast enough? They will promise that you will loose inches off your waist, but did they promise you a six pack? Well, loosing inches is a lot easier than getting a six pack, or even ever getting near to that stage.

So, what am I trying to say?

Well, there are lots of ways to do crunches, and all give results. I just want to express my way of doing crunches.

I learned it from my brother, which is now coached by my father, an ex motocross world competitor to getting a six pack. My father coached us before in skating, everyday skated 6-8 hours in order to perfect every single skill we encountered. We really learned them very fast.

The way we prefer to do crunches.

Doing crunches does not mean the amount of crunches you do a day. Its how long you spent on doing them a day. Reason? Your body will burn more fat in accordance to time, not towards how many crunches. Start with doing 30min straight of crunches a day. Impossible? Not really. Just read on to understand how.

When doing crunches, find a perfect place to lock your legs, and bent your legs to about 90 degree position. Try not to hold your head with both your hands, it will actually cause neck pain or worse. Just cross your hands and hold the opposite shoulder.

Now its how you do crunches for a long period, starting from 30min, to one hour and so on.

Every time you lift yourself up, slowly, and slowly suck in and out air. Then, slowly go down to your original posture. Suck in and out air slowly air again, and count to 3 before repeating the whole thing all over again. Easy? Of course.

Its so easy, but does it work?

Well, try it for yourself. You will feel your muscles hardened later.

Why need to suck in and out air so much?

Its to prevent anaerobic exercise, which will produce lactic acid, which will burn your muscles, and cause cramps.

Why do it so slow? I am quite a busy person. Cant I just reduce the time and speed up my workout?

Well, that depends on the individual, if you can take it, the go for it. The main reason for doing it slow is to prevent cramps.

Cramps? I thought cramps means I did a really good workout.

Not really, you have to do this every single day. If you did this till you get cramps, can you do another 30min the next day? I doubt so.

I did this, and its too easy!

Easy? Then you should double your time doing it, and try to speed up your crunches. Do not get cramps though.

I cant do it, its too boring doing that so long.

Yes you can. Go play your favorite music, go along with the beat. But make sure you minimize your distractions as much as possible.

How long must I do to get a six pack?

Well, that depends on the individual, my guess is, for a 40-50kg person, it will take more or less half a year. For me, 70kg, might take 3 years. Hehe

3 Years! I cant wait so long!

That depends on you, well, at least you can keep fit, loose weight, and stay healthy! Dieting will help a lot, dieting does not mean 'do not eat', it means 'a proper meal'. Stay away from sugar, fat and other fattening substance. Learn How! Do additional exercise, like running also will help a lot!

Staying away from sugar is tough for me, cause I am a sweet tooth. Hehe. Without sugar, it makes me sleepy and unable to concentrate. But I am starting to manage my sugar intake a lot!

Finding time to do crunches and other exercises is hard too. But slowly, I did manage. My blood level dropped a lot.

I felt more happy, in a way. Hehe

Try it, you might love it!
Stay healthy, You will be proud of your self.
And ladies, do not starve yourself. Exercise is another way of loosing weight. Try to balance both your diet and exercise properly, and you will look great.

Do not give up, do not quit! Keep up the good work.

This is dedicated to Samantha A. W.
A strong and nice lady who is going to be very successful someday.

Grandma's Condition

Yesterday, I went back home for a single day holiday, going back to my college on Friday morning (got Control Systems class at 10am, means I will be rushing back at about 7am.). I will be in college for the weekend to prepare for my test. I have two test to attend to next week.

I have visited my grandma, and she seem to be fine, with only one problem, probably its minor. Originally, she has joint pains on her leg for a long time now. Doctors usually give her painkillers so that she could walk. Now however, she cant walk, even with painkillers. The good doctor said that she slept on the bed for too long (due to denggi fever) and need time and effort to re-train her legs to walk properly.

Somehow, that is a good thing, in a way. She usually will be cooking and stressing herself up doing house chores. Now, she could avoid doing those things and rest properly. Hehe. My aunt is cooking for the family, and my mum brings my aunt to the wet market every weekends. So everything is looking fine.

Now I am comfortable leaving them as it is now and continue with my studies.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Crunches Challenge!

My bro is plaining to get six packs within 3 months! Coached by my father, started by doing 30 min straight of crunches every single day. Well, I am not planing to lose either. I am going to start doing crunches for 15min to see the outcome. My bro will start doing it for one hour straight next week. I guess I better get started....

Monday, March 17, 2008

It needs to be seen to understand

Today, I saw my friends (names are disclosed), a couple, who went on having an argument because of study stress. Then I remembered how it was when me and my ex argue. It looks so different compared to mine. Their so..... how to say.... loving.

My past experience however, was not that good. No matter what we argued, I must be on the side of defeat, or my life will be sad, in both scenarios.

I have learn that in a relationship, give and take is very important. Little unweighted on either side will cause problems. I also realize that I have gave too much kindness and care, that I did never got back. My ex just want more and more care. Just a little un-care will bring her saying "you have changed", or "you don't care about me anymore".

Its quite a mystery how I not notice it sooner.

Then after I went back to my room, I messaged them, asking how are they. Then one said, "I am sorry, I am a bit under pressure today." and the word that made me realize everything so clearly is what he said after that "I wouldn't ever want to lose her".

Every time I argued with my ex, I really wanted to split up with her, every single time. Its because, I never felt that this relationship is worth it, cause she hardly care, even for my well being.

I felt like I am trapped in a cage, seeking desperately for a way out.

Why didn't I split up sooner?

Every time I propose to split up, she will be crying, begging and begging to reconsider, saying that I am the only one that ever cares for her. I just cant stand hurting her, every time I propose it, I felt more painful. It clouds my thinking, to say weather its the right thing to do.

After seeing how they care for each other, I now really have understood, my sacrifices were nothing but to pray to false gods, blinded by words, not knowing that god is just above us.

I finally understand that she is definitely never the one for me.
Today is the happiest day for me ever since I split up with her. Amazingly, all thanks to one small argument between my friends.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Finally I am able to wear back my Giordano Long Pants!

After about two months of exercising, Doing about at least 60 push ups, doing dumbbells at least 60 times in 3 separate ways and doing 120 crunches in my room every day, plus some skating exercise I am finally able to wear my Giordano Long Pants! This morning, when I was preparing myself for class, open my cupboard and found myself only my Giordano long pants left. I forgotten that I did left my 2 other long pants home. At first I thought I will never fit in it, but it does nicely!. Last time I weighted myself, My weight has dropped down to 72kg (I almost gained 5kg last year=about77kg). My weight is still dropping. I am aiming to drop till the 60kg barrier for now.
I just hope this can be an example for a friend of mine, who is suffering the same faith as I did. I can do it, why cant you?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Forgotten Promises

I was cleaning my room this morning, sorting out my stuff, and then when I was cleaning under my bed, I saw something I long forgotten. Something that I cast away, hoping that it would not be this way. Bla bla...

Whatever. Whats passed is passed.

This was a promise that we took when we were together. I cant believe its still there. Though she broke the promise when I asked her in my sms "do you still love me?" and she replied "no". Though I still love her, as a friend, and the promise was written by her anyways. Since the promise was broken, I think its best to burn it. After so long I finally have the courage to do so.Well, Its for the best.
I will be keeping this three. They bring good memories.
And after I finished my stars, I got 3 left. I will be keeping it. Now looking for a proper case. Hehe.
Now my room is clean, and I can concentrate on my studies.

Let's celebrate the dawn of another new day

My grandma just got out of the Hospital this morning. I just receive the message though. . . . Her platelet level is still low, but the good doctor say she will be fine. Now she is resting in her own room. My family members even forbid her from getting out from bed. She cant even go to morning market tomorrow. My mum and aunt will be doing the shopping tomorrow, as I am in college now studying for my test.

It's Finally Finished!

With so many Lab reports, assignments, test 2 and exams to finish, I hardly got any time for my own works. Finally, after 3 months+, I finally finished making 1000++ stars in 3 separate gifts.
I will be giving the bottle to my roommate and his girl, and the wrapped up one for someone who helped me allot. Wondering who the lucky ones are? lolz. The first one (not shown here) has been given to my ex-girl as Valentines Day present and I forgot to take picture. I wonder where she put it now..... erm.... dun even dare to ask. Hehe. Hopefully in a nice place.

Amazingly, the one in the package has more stars (470) than the one in the bottle (450). I cant believe it for myself either. Looks can be deceiving. This is how lil wine is in the bottle, only 750ml (even a large bottle of coke has 1500ml). Its surprising who business is done these days.

Now, the only task is to give them in the right time and the right place.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Kitty Kitty

I got to my grandparents house, to get a special remedy for my grandma. Then Christmas came along. It's so cute. We just cant stop petting it. On top of that, this cat loves petting, yes, Christmas is the name of the cat.

It just makes me feel L.O.A. It makes me feel like I want to be petted too. It just looks like Christmas is having such a good time.

Leaving so soon... Not!

I went to Assunta Hospital, expecting to bring my grandma home, however, the good doctor asked her to stay here longer, to make sure she is totally fine before discharging her. She is quite aged, so we agreed to let her stay longer. My grandma however, as rebellious as she is, despite her age, with the help of some sedative medicine, actually trying to persuade the doctor in an unusually, funny way, to let her out of the hospital. Though the doctor refuse.
The doctors name is Suresh. It well reminded me of the show 'Heroes'. The professor of genetics. Just give her the fountain of youth!My grandma, moody after failed to persuade the doctor. lolz
My sis and aunt, who stayed with my grandma the whole way, eating A&W next to my grandma. My grandma got hospital food. Then my grandma sneak in and took some A&W chicken as well. lolz. My grandma should be discharged by tomorrow, if the blood levels are good.

Razer/Microsoft Reculsa Keyboard Preview

3 weeks ago, I sent my sisters Reculsa Keyboard for warranty, due to some electronic circuit problem. In return, they give me a new one, straight from the distributor, hehe even with the box seal. The keyboard is slightly on the 'big' side, its even almost as long as a Logitech g15 keyboard. Maybe its what to be expected from a gaming keyboard, big money, big size.

Got it back from AllIT, Low Yat. Right on the table, with the resit.
Front View of the box (no time to get a good shot, a lil too busy)
Main technologies supported by razer
Back View of box
Slicing it open...
The Sealed Contents
Keyboard, armrest, driver, manual, tutorial
Keyboard once set up.
2 usb ports at the side (sadly, like all gaming keyboard with usb ports, its usb v1.1 complaint, and very underpowered. Cant plug most usb flash drives, external hard disk and all high power usb devices)
Includes a gold plated usb plug (as like all razer products)Safety Certified
Health Warning stuff (its so so microsoft. They put this warning in to every of their keyboards, same as Logitech)
This is the coolest thing I seen on this keyboard! A cord wrapper.
The keyboard under the dark
The light is a lil too bright for my eyes though. I even need to tweak my eyes for a while when looking on the keyboard in the dark. The alphabets are in bold, a lil to thick for my taste too.
The armrest is the best I have ever seen. It has a soft leather cushion on top, so comfy, so microsoft.
The jogdial is abit on the slow side
Too lil macross buttons to play with
Overall is one nice keyboard, one with an affordable price

It's time again

My old sunglasses broke on me. Ah, its been serving to protect my eyes from harmful UV rays for the past 2 years. Its a frameless sunglass, with the limb hooked to the lens with merely 2 tiny screws. It broke off when I wore it in my room, lolz. But really, it served me well. Its time to replace, and today, I was wondering around Sungei Wang, and saw a shop selling zerox sunglasses. Its on SALE! I went in the shop, looked around, and got hooked with this pair of sunglasses.
Side View. I like frameless
Clearer look. On me. Hehe. Dun mind the red dot.
Now I just cant wait to go on a vacation. I haven't been traveling for about 2 years now. studying, working, studying, working, yada yo! The beginning of this year started very coldly.....
Rain almost everyday.Yesterday almost rained two days straight. I cant believe hot sun makes me happy. Hee

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Logitech spill-proof Internet keyboard cleaning

Do you know, that the keyboard is dirtier than your toilet seat ?
Imagine keyboards in cyber cafes. Used by so many people. Have you ever wondered how dirty it is ? Well, I don't mean to scare you, but this is the fact, toilt seat can be washed, but keyboard cant, or can it?

Well, there is a way to clean it totally, from inside out. Here is how.
Before that, let me introduce to you, my old keyboard, 3year old Logitech Internet Keyboard.
It's a PS/2 port, spill-proof keyboard.
The Logitech Trademark
Back view
Quality Assurance seal
The details
Remove Seal
Screw inside. Start opening
Tear it up
The soft rubber spring and the circuit
Every electronic part removed. Time to clean
Top shell, wire, circuit board,media buttons, rubber spring
Take the top shell and soak it in detergent. Then, after it gets slippery (because of the detergent), remove the buttons like below with a key. Remove everything including hair. Wash with water and let it dry. Make sure its fully dry before reassembling it!

Then your keyboard will be as clean as new! Cleaner than the toilet seat.

A day at starbucks

My grandmother got admitted to Assunta Hospital in Petaling Jaya for a case of Denggi Fever. She had it for a week plus before the doctor in a Clinic in Sri Sentosa forced her to go there. It all started fever, then she started to get weak and her joints started go get painful. Had me worried sick, and luckily my Microprocessor lecturer who was suppose to teach me on Monday morning, is on leave, going back to her homeland. I went to see her that morning to see how she is doing.
I reach there about 9.30am along with my sis, bro and mum. At that time, my grandma seems healthier than when I last visited her last Saturday, at her house. She immediately insist on getting out of the hospital, claiming that she is cured, lolz. While waiting for the blood test results to show, we went to starbucks, just downstairs of Assunta Hospital. Coffee, coffee, milk, milk.
My bro bought a sheppards pie (reminds me of the show sweeny todd, human meat pie.lolz). It caused me more than rm50 in total! Well, I only paid half. lolz.
My sis (cute isn't she?) and my aunt enjoying their meal.
The blood test results came on 11am, when I was on the train to my college. My mum sms'ed me and said my grandma really got denggi. Then the treatment started and my grandma can go back home on Friday. Yeah!

Friday, March 7, 2008

A Friend in Need

I have received a sms from my friend yesterday asking how am I doing. Once we start chatting, I noticed she was quite sad and lonely. She was working as an Indonesian Maid to my ex-boss. She signed a contract originally to work as a cleaner at my ex-boss big house. But the ex-boss bring her to work in her office as a packer as well. So she has been doing two jobs at once, as a cleaner, and a packer, without extra pay. She, without a choice, in a country which she is so helplessly in need of help. The company has a very high employee turnover because of the heavy pressure given by the boss. As a packer, she is working in the production line. Before that, there are 3 other employees working along with her, so the pressure was not so great. Now, as she single handedly doing every single job in the production line, she has to work till very late at night, sometimes, even till morning. If the job given was not done in time, the boss would beat her till bruises are visible. Last time, I was working in the sales side of the company as a temporary helper. The people at the sales side know about it, yet what we could do is just to calm her down. I am meeting my ex-gm, a very close friend of mine, to discuss of a proper solution.

It makes me feel like, life is very dynamic, even when you think that you might be in a improper situation sometimes, that makes you feel like you are the most unfortunate person on earth, yet, there are people who are in position that are a lot worse. I believe in life, we need to face the fact, though we must not brag about it, we must accept this fact, and move on to improve it, repair what is wrong, and not to cast it aside and leave it there unnoticed.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I got a dream yesterday, seeing my ex doing bad stuff, and started crying in my dreams......
And now I was re-thinking, is this what I want? Will I ever regret splitting up with her?
The lady that I loved so much, whom I can still dream of now? To sacrifice our relationship for our dreams to succeed in the future? I really am doubting now. A lady that made me cry for 5 days straight, just because of her studying like a freak for her finals, without even caring about what I said even once, don't even come out for dinner.

Even after her finals, in December 09, my 20th birthday last year, she would not even want to answer my phone calls for the whole week just because of her selfish needs, just because her parents don't allow her to go Genting Highlands with her friends due to the Indian Raids. Is going to Genting Highlands with her friends more important than me?

Even if she is about 80-90+kg in weight, I don't even mind being with her. A lot of people say bad things about our relationship, I keep ignoring them. She is so dirty, always bite her nails, sometimes I even saw her lie to me, like biting her nails and say she didn't, didn't brush her teeth till all the food sticking on her teeth early in the morning and say she just did, and I keep trusting her.

She also keep on giving pressure to me, doing the impossible. And when I got angry, she always say she was joking...... I cant see which is true and which is false anymore. She always use the phrase (because you are a guy mer), its like, am I your slave?

I was so angry, called her 'bitch' and 'porky' even till now, yet weirdly, I still cant stop caring for her. It feels like she is very useless without me.

Worrying for her health, always get sick, ask her to work out and diet, she never listen until I got fed up and keep sending rude sms'es saying about it with the 'porky' trademark. Of course I am angry, cause she don't listen.

Even though currently she got highest in her South Australian Matriculation, she sacrificed our relationship. I still think it is quite wise, even though it is very hard for me to accept, we are going forth towards our dreams.

With this post, I am ready to make this promise. I promise I will never bother your life anymore, nor sadden you nor please you, nor care nor scold you, nor think nor have that has anything to do with you.

I cant afford to live with you in my mind anymore, thus I sincerely apologize.

Thank you for everything and keep up the good work.

You will find a better person in the future, this i believe.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Stars for Luck

During my spare time, I will tend to sleep a lot. Well.... Thats a habit that is very hard to cure. So, I developed a way to minimize the problem, which is by keeping myself busy. I learn how to fold paper stars like this when I was 7 by my aunt. Ever since then, I got myself very interested in origami, folding from boxes to turtles. I know its kinda girlish folding stars, but I have to admit, they make great gifts.
I accidentally bought too much star making paper when I made a good luck present for my ex during Valentines Day (I bought 1000++ pieces, but ended up using only about 350 pieces, lolz). Then I decided to make stars in a wine bottle (as above for my roommate and his girl as a good luck present on their successfully relationship, not fully filled yet). I never thought the wine bottle can only fit 500++ stars. In the end, I have left about 300 stars (partially unfolded as seen below). I have decided to give this 300 stars (not yet decided on packaging yet) to a friend I know, whom helped me alot on my problems.
I know there are several different ways of folding stars, whom depends which way the individual feels comfortable making, well, this is my way of folding, as well as a tutorial to those who wants to learn how to fold them.

Folding stars require a lot of patients. However, Its the effort that makes this such a great present.

My partners in crime

Enough with the techno stuff, really, enough. It makes my blog looks like a freek blog. Ok, aside from my interest in technology, I really love skating. When I skate against the wind, it makes all my problems go away...... well, just for a while, but it's worth it.
These are my recreational inline skate, the K2 soul 7 skates, 2006 edition. I got it two years ago from skateline in TTDI, here is the address.
Skateline Malaysia T.T.D.I.
No. 18, Lorong Datuk Sulaiman 1,
Taman Tun Dr Ismail,
60000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-7727 7SK8 (7758)
Fax: 03-7727 5SK8 (5758)
Open on Tuesdays to Fridays, 12.00pm - 8.00pm.
Open on Saturdays to Sundays, 8.00am - 8.00pm.
Close on Mondays.
Close up look.

It's armed with ABEC 7 bearings which I got from Cool@lement at Sungei Wang Plaza, where they mainly sell aggressive roller parts, like aggressive skates (the one below) and high quality skateboards. Look how smooth it is....

Now, my second pair of skates are the inline aggressive skates: The Xsjado Basics. Got them from Cool@lement Sungei Wang
The Total Package: the most versatile skate I have ever seen.
The package includes a footwrap (a shoe) and the skate itself.
I wear a size 9US. However, this skate has the ability to adjust its size from a minimum size 9 to 15..... i think. However, the shoewrap cant . Luckly, I can easily fit a running shoe inside if my friends want to skate with me. This skate has my nicely tuned ABEC7 bearings with a standard aggressive size wheel. Luckly, the wheels are quite cheap in cool@lement. I am using Blank Wheels (grey and white as can be seen on picture above). The footwrap in the skate.

Tied up and ready to go.