I have visited a lot of websites, stumble on books related on 'the right way to do crunches', seen on TV's and such. In my opinion, there is no 'perfect' or 'right' way to do so, because it is not what humans are made to do. I mean, did u see a gorilla do crunches before? Well, they don't need to. Why? Cause they don't eat as much as we do.
In lots of ways that I came across, promising to get results instantly, well, it does. But, is it fast enough? They will promise that you will loose inches off your waist, but did they promise you a six pack? Well, loosing inches is a lot easier than getting a six pack, or even ever getting near to that stage.
So, what am I trying to say?
Well, there are lots of ways to do crunches, and all give results. I just want to express my way of doing crunches.
I learned it from my brother, which is now coached by my father, an ex motocross world competitor to getting a six pack. My father coached us before in skating, everyday skated 6-8 hours in order to perfect every single skill we encountered. We really learned them very fast.
The way we prefer to do crunches.
Doing crunches does not mean the amount of crunches you do a day. Its how long you spent on doing them a day. Reason? Your body will burn more fat in accordance to time, not towards how many crunches. Start with doing 30min straight of crunches a day. Impossible? Not really. Just read on to understand how.
When doing crunches, find a perfect place to lock your legs, and bent your legs to about 90 degree position. Try not to hold your head with both your hands, it will actually cause neck pain or worse. Just cross your hands and hold the opposite shoulder.
Now its how you do crunches for a long period, starting from 30min, to one hour and so on.
Every time you lift yourself up, slowly, and slowly suck in and out air. Then, slowly go down to your original posture. Suck in and out air slowly air again, and count to 3 before repeating the whole thing all over again. Easy? Of course.
Its so easy, but does it work?
Well, try it for yourself. You will feel your muscles hardened later.
Why need to suck in and out air so much?
Its to prevent anaerobic exercise, which will produce lactic acid, which will burn your muscles, and cause cramps.
Why do it so slow? I am quite a busy person. Cant I just reduce the time and speed up my workout?
Well, that depends on the individual, if you can take it, the go for it. The main reason for doing it slow is to prevent cramps.
Cramps? I thought cramps means I did a really good workout.
Not really, you have to do this every single day. If you did this till you get cramps, can you do another 30min the next day? I doubt so.
I did this, and its too easy!
Easy? Then you should double your time doing it, and try to speed up your crunches. Do not get cramps though.
I cant do it, its too boring doing that so long.
Yes you can. Go play your favorite music, go along with the beat. But make sure you minimize your distractions as much as possible.
How long must I do to get a six pack?
Well, that depends on the individual, my guess is, for a 40-50kg person, it will take more or less half a year. For me, 70kg, might take 3 years. Hehe
3 Years! I cant wait so long!
That depends on you, well, at least you can keep fit, loose weight, and stay healthy! Dieting will help a lot, dieting does not mean 'do not eat', it means 'a proper meal'. Stay away from sugar, fat and other fattening substance. Learn How! Do additional exercise, like running also will help a lot!
Staying away from sugar is tough for me, cause I am a sweet tooth. Hehe. Without sugar, it makes me sleepy and unable to concentrate. But I am starting to manage my sugar intake a lot!
Finding time to do crunches and other exercises is hard too. But slowly, I did manage. My blood level dropped a lot.
I felt more happy, in a way. Hehe
Try it, you might love it!
Stay healthy, You will be proud of your self.
And ladies, do not starve yourself. Exercise is another way of loosing weight. Try to balance both your diet and exercise properly, and you will look great.
Do not give up, do not quit! Keep up the good work.
This is dedicated to Samantha A. W.
A strong and nice lady who is going to be very successful someday.