Thursday, February 28, 2008

Razer Diamondback Resurrection

After a while, during my free time, under my curiosity, I have decided to open up the old diamondback, to find out if it can be repaired or not. Under the teflon mousefeet, lies the one and only screw to open the mouse in half (luckly its a philips head skrew).


Ripping the shell out......... Gently......

The Main Chip. See the problem ?

Close up look on the problem area. Munching buttons, scary isn't it?

For those that did not notice the problem, the left switch broke(have to remove the broken top of the switch to show, cause my camera cant see the difference in the damaged area with the top on it)

I have decided to resurrect the mouse, in pink. Once I have time that is. I will switch the green LED's to pink, once i got to Jalan Pasar (the only street I know in Malaysia that sells electronic parts). I need to get a new soldering iron too, the cheap soldering irons cant last long. I have switched 2 times in the past one and a half years. The device just cant handle heat.

To be continued.....

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