Saturday, May 10, 2008

Playstation Portable

Yes, I finally had bought a psp. After lots of thinking, price comparing, arguments (hehe), and according to the votes.

I got myself a psp slim (details at the side), which is shared with my sis. I was actually planing to buy two. One pink and one blue, but my mum said its not wise to buy one for my sis, and I kinna agree. I dont play video games much, and so is she. Unlike my brother, he can easily stick on the screen for the whole day. So the much initiated plan is like this: I got to play the psp during the weekdays, and my sis plays during the weekends.

Speaking of gifts, I got to know someone from forum that sells yukata. Its a traditional Japanese dress. Feel like getting it for my sister. I hope they have her size. She is only eight.

My bro also got himself a purple psp slim for his birthday, since I got to know a nice psp seller from a friend, which sells psp at a cheap price.

I might be buying a GPS adapter for the psp and a 8gb memory stick later this year. Reviews coming up later too, once I get back to college.

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